High temperature tape fiberglass with aluminum foil high temperature bands made by reflective aluminum heat coated with fiberglass cassettes. This heat reflective material generally reflects 95 to 98% of the infrared heat striking its surface. The recording was overlaped by 50% when wrapping, which provides all assembly with stability. Safety wire, clamps, bonds or pure silicone tapes can be used to secure recordings in place after installation. This is used to protection of the hydraulic industry and lines, pneumatic lines, fuel & amp; row oil, brakes, cables, cables, tubes and pipes from exposure to high and extreme heat conditions.
Insulator, Electric Winding isolation, Winding Wire Coating Isolation, Electric Base, Shell, Motor, Varnish Isolation, Baseplate, Hose and Cable Protection
Width: 2 & quot; , 3 & quot; and 4 & quot;
Thickness: 1/8 & quot; (3mm)
Fiber glass